Remote Exam Proctoring Options

Online proctoring helps ensure academic integrity for exams that are delivered remotely. Before you adopt a proctoring solution, please consider all assessment options first . If you have students who have made an accommodation request, please reach out to the Office of Disability Services to discuss alternative arrangements.


Resources: Zoom Learning Path, Proctoring with Zoom: Instructor Guide

Appropriate for: all class sizes, all exam types. Students take exams by logging in to Zoom and sharing their screens while faculty/TAs monitor remotely.

High-level monitoring: Assign each student to an individual Zoom breakout room to monitor multiple students at one time.

Lower-level monitoring: Assign groups of students to Zoom breakout rooms.


  • Multiple TAs/faculty proctors needed
  • Students would need webcams
  • Will not work well for students with network bandwidth limitations or who are in unsafe environments; these students need to be accommodated


  • Maintain existing exam timing and structure
  • No additional cost

Complexity: LOW

  • Exams will need to be available to students at scheduled class time


Resource: Examity at Penn State

Appropriate for: all class sizes, all exam types. Students utilize a webcam to record their exam sessions, which are reviewed by a proctor.


  • There is a cost per student per exam
  • Students will need webcams
  • Students should be oriented into system before exam


  • Most secure proctoring option

Complexity: MODERATE

  • Some preparation needed to build exam in Canvas/Examity