Remote students can collaborate in Zoom or using digital tools such as Canvas groups or Microsoft Teams that provide workspace, communication, and file sharing. Students have many other online applications to collaborate remotely (i.e., Zoom, Google, etc.). If you have made special arrangements for some of your students who are out for a period of time…
FAQ Category: In-Person Instruction
Instructors should follow Faculty Senate Policy 42-27, Class Attendance, which identifies examples of legitimate, unavoidable reasons for absence, such as illness, injury, military service, family emergency, or religious observance. Instructors should accommodate student absences with flexibility during this pandemic period, especially as we don’t want students who feel ill to think that they should attend…
See University guidance on what to include in course syllabi about the mask requirement (PDF). In addition, see Penn State syllabus requirements outlined in Faculty Senate Policy 43-00, including a number of example syllabus statements. Be sure to check with your college or campus regarding locally mandated syllabus policies. For this instructional mode, consider adding a brief description of how you will conduct class…